
Powered By Hex Business Innovations

Team Work Management & Performance Tracker App

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With a growing business and expanding teams, the challenges to organize tasks and manage time to address wastefulness and inefficiencies also increases

TrackHR solves all your business-related problems


With a unique blend of algorithms and cutting-edge technology, TrackHR offers a wide range of high-quality human resource management services to fulfil all of your business’s needs.

 GPS based Employee Attendance Tracking

With the help of Automatic GPS Attendance, get live notifications of every team member as they Check-In/Out, along with the site location, automating employee attendance.

To-Do List & Work Management System

TrackHR has built-in daily task tracking with due date and reminders, resulting in a demonstrable increase in team productivity with live project status.

  Automatic Salary Calculation

Work hours and overtime salary sheets are just a click away with automated attendance.

  Performance Management Tool

Keep track of individual employees’ performance with complete transparency and without bias, using only pure and accurate data for appraisal management.

  Privacy Assured Information Sharing Platform

A built-in messaging system allows you to easily share information while maintaining complete anonymity keeping managers upto date.

  Automatic Daily Work Reports

At a set time, send daily work reports, organisational reports, and automatic signals to all management and team leaders.

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